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Fun《We Are Young》钢琴谱 - 钢琴五线谱

We Are Young是美国独立流行乐团Fun.于2011年9月发行的一支单曲,单曲收录在乐队第二张录音室专辑《Some Nights》中。此曲曾被Glee翻唱,翻唱版本首发时登上了Billboard第12位,并在itunes单曲下载榜上排行第一。原版在Billboard Hot 100榜冠军位置停留六周,在2012 Billboard Hot 100 Year-End中排列第三,并获第55届(2013)格莱美年度歌曲奖(Song Of The Year)。此版本为Glee翻唱的版本。Fun.是一支来自美国纽约的独立流行乐队,现任乐队成员有吉他手Andrew Dost,键盘手Jack Anton off和乐队主唱Nate Ruess三人。主唱Nate Ruess擅长各种高音,而且该乐队曲风多变,由复古到小清新,配合各种乐器,着实让耳朵沉醉。简单的说,《We Are Young》就是一首充满正能量和积极意义的励志歌曲。也难怪它常常被许多美剧拿来做配乐歌曲,它高昂的情调和戏剧化的张力,也让这首歌曲既有丰富的听觉震撼力,也有许多独立乐团最为缺乏的精气神。听这首歌曲,就像当年听Queen的《We Will Rock You》或者《We Are the Champions》。中英文歌词的下方提供了We Are Young五线谱,欢迎感兴趣的朋友下载使用。We Are Young歌词原版和中文版:Give me a second给我一秒钟的时间I need to get my story straight让我理清思绪My friends are in the bathroom死党醉倒在洗手间Getting higher than the Empire State比那帝国大厦还要highMy lover she's waiting for me爱人在等着我Just across the bar就在酒吧的那一头My seats been taken by sun sunglasses戴着墨镜的人占据了我的位置Asking 'bout a scar谈起你我的情伤And I know I gave it to you months ago我知道我伤你很久I know you're trying to forget我知道你尝试遗忘But between the drinks and subtle things但是在酒醉金迷间The holes in my apologies我的道歉漏洞百出You know I'm trying hard to take it back你知道我尝试的挽回So if by the time the bar closes所以如果酒吧打烊的时候And you feel like falling down你的脚步蹒跚I'll carry you home我将会带你回家Tonight今晚We are young花样年华的我们So let's set the world on fire将世界点燃We can burn brighter我们可以大放异彩Than the sun让骄阳失色Tonight今晚We are young花样年华的我们So let's set the world on fire将点燃世界We can burn brighter我们可以大放异彩Than the sun让骄阳失色Now I know that I'm not现在我知道我并不是All that you got并且你也清楚I guess that I我想我I just thought maybe we could find new ways to fall apart我觉得我们可以找出全新的分离的方式But our friends are back但是我们的朋友们都会来了So let's raise a cup所以让我们共同举杯Cause I found someone to carry me home因为有人将会带我回家Tonight今晚We are young花样年华的我们So let's set the world on fire将世界点燃We can burn brighter我们可以大放异彩Than the sun让骄阳失色Tonight今晚We are young花样年华的我们So let's set the world on fire将点燃世界We can burn brighter我们可以大放异彩Than the sun让骄阳失色Carry me home tonight今晚将我带回家Just carry me home tonight就把我带回家Carry me home tonight今晚把我带回家Just carry me home tonight就把我带回家The world is on my side世界站在我这边I have no reason to run我没理由逃跑So will someone come and carry me home tonight所以今晚有谁会带我回家The angels never arrived天使从未降临But I can hear the choir但我却能听到天籁之音So will someone come and carry me home所以谁将带我回家Tonight今晚We are young花样年华的我们So let's set the world on fire将世界点燃We can burn brighter我们可以大放异彩Than the sun让骄阳失色Tonight今晚We are young花样年华的我们So let's set the world on fire将点燃世界We can burn brighter我们可以大放异彩Than the sun让骄阳失色So if by the time the bar closes所以如果酒吧打烊时And you feel like falling down你的脚步蹒跚I'll carry you home tonight我今晚就带你回家
  • Fun《We Are Young》钢琴谱 - 钢琴五线谱第1张
    Fun《We Are Young》钢琴谱 - 钢琴五线谱 - 第1张
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    Fun《We Are Young》钢琴谱 - 钢琴五线谱 - 第4张
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    Fun《We Are Young》钢琴谱 - 钢琴五线谱 - 第5张
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    Fun《We Are Young》钢琴谱 - 钢琴五线谱 - 第6张
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