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Shawn Mendes《Where Were You in the Morning》钢琴谱 - 钢琴五线谱

Where Were You in the Morning双手简谱和五线谱完全对应。Where Were You in the Morning是加拿大男歌手Shawn Mendes的新歌。Shawn给人的印象就像是无公害水果。除鲜嫩可人,各种养眼,还安全无毒副作用。尤其那亲切而又略显矜持的笑容,更像邻家男孩。他的声线干净如晨露,让人感觉纯静,却又隐带甘甜。看似舒缓,但激情爆发处,有着让人欲罢不能的节奏感。同时,网站还为大家提供了Shawn Mendes的另一首歌曲《Lost In Japan》的曲谱下载歌词下方是Where Were You in the Morning钢琴谱,大家可以免费下载学习。Where Were You in the Morning
  • Shawn Mendes《Where Were You in the Morning》钢琴谱 - 钢琴五线谱第1张
    Shawn Mendes《Where Were You in the Morning》钢琴谱 - 钢琴五线谱 - 第1张
  • Shawn Mendes《Where Were You in the Morning》钢琴谱 - 钢琴五线谱第2张
    Shawn Mendes《Where Were You in the Morning》钢琴谱 - 钢琴五线谱 - 第2张
  • Shawn Mendes《Where Were You in the Morning》钢琴谱 - 钢琴五线谱第3张
    Shawn Mendes《Where Were You in the Morning》钢琴谱 - 钢琴五线谱 - 第3张
  • Shawn Mendes《Where Were You in the Morning》钢琴谱 - 钢琴五线谱第4张
    Shawn Mendes《Where Were You in the Morning》钢琴谱 - 钢琴五线谱 - 第4张
  • Shawn Mendes《Where Were You in the Morning》钢琴谱 - 钢琴五线谱第5张
    Shawn Mendes《Where Were You in the Morning》钢琴谱 - 钢琴五线谱 - 第5张
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